Before approaching Silicon Valley investors to raise capital it's critical to understand how the Seed stage works in the area. If you want investment, share your numbers and ask for money.
Hi Johan, your question is too generic. Let's say that if you have a pure-software SaaS product launched 8-12 weeks ago, with WoW growth (in revenue mostly) of 10%-20% (independently from the pandemic), that is an excellent metric if you want to raise a Seed round ($1M-$1.5M). We see companies with more and companies with less than that.
Thanks for the article.
What are some good looking metrics to keep in mind during a seed phase?
Hi Johan, your question is too generic. Let's say that if you have a pure-software SaaS product launched 8-12 weeks ago, with WoW growth (in revenue mostly) of 10%-20% (independently from the pandemic), that is an excellent metric if you want to raise a Seed round ($1M-$1.5M). We see companies with more and companies with less than that.
Thanks for the answer! That's the context I was thinking of so your answer was very helpful.