Shall I move my startup to the Bay or not? Are there general rules you can share about?

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Hi Massimo, why do you think some technologies become almost a must have (or a fast lane ticket) for investors in order to invest in a startup?

Example: blockchain. We do know it's a great technology for something, while not so efficient for other applications. Why the "built on blockchain" phrase is (maybe was, now the hype has redimensioned) often enough to get investors or raise an IPO?

I have a specific example in mind: Storj raised $35M, Filecoin $257M. Distributed cloud storage is a great idea and a must in the future of the web, where (I suppose) privacy issues will gain major attention.

But is blockchain the right technology to build it?

The blockchain is designed to be a bulky database, in order to prevent double-spending and attacks. But imho it’s not so good when you need a reactive and user friendly cloud storage, with a simple (AWS like) usage. After all ICOs and investment there’s still a few enjoyable things on the platforms I took as an example.

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Hi Massimo, I would like to know if there are examples of startups that have reached shares in a market without having substantial initial funding.

In I.T., unlike more traditional sectors, it seems that with a PC you can "climb the world". Is this vision utopian or in your experience do you know examples of startups that have implemented something without having initial funding?

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Come fa un ragazzo senza soldi che ha un idea da realizzare a creare un team di persone qualificate e trovare finanziamenti?

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